Location: Kayole Date: 9th August 2021 On Saturday August 7th, the children of Spring Valley were blessed by a special visit of a local Kenyan team named NASH and friends.
Location: Ngara Date: 6th March 2021 The mission to Kariua Informal Settlement took place on the 6th of March 2021. Kariua is located about a kilometer away from Nairobi’s Central
Location: Korogocho Date: 6th February 2021 We are grateful for the team Nash and Friends hands of compassions vision that has enabled us to go to different slum areas of
Location: Mukuru kwa Jenga Date: 9th January 2021 Mukuru kwa njenga was our eighth mission to the needy in Nairobi. It kicked us off at the beginning of 2021 on
Location: Kituamba Slums Date: 5th December 2020 This was our last mission in 2020, it was a mission with a difference. We went over and above the usual supplies for
Location: Mukuru kwa Reuben Date: 7th November 2020 Mukuru kwa Reuben was our 6th mission. Its is a slum located in embakasi east side of Nairobi. Despite large population of
Date: 3rd October 2020 Location: Kawangrware Our visit to Kawangware slum was the 5th leg. It took place in the month of October at a public primary school called Gatina.
Location: Mathari Date: 05 September 2020 The Mathari settlement is synonymous with Mathari Hospital-Kenya’s largest psychiatric hospital which is in close proximity to the slum. Kiboro Primary School, a public