01) Kibra

Location: Kibra

Date: 16th May 2020

Kibra is the largest slum in Africa. There is no consensus as to the population housed but it is estimated to be home to 1,000,000 people. So big is the slum that there’s very few places you’ll be in Nairobi that it doesn’t geographically touch. It is divided into 11 villages. Dire as the poverty situation is, it has given rise to some of Kenya’s greats-be it in sport, academia, politics and entertainment. So when Patrick and Naomi Kaburu and bore the idea of feeding people for Naomi’s birthday, Kibra was a natural starting point. Funds were sourced, local authority consents sought, food purchases made, a team on the ground assembled and off we went. Since the pandemic was just taking root, lots of people of goodwill had come forward to help those hardest hit. Some chaos has been rocked these food drives…so preparation and doing things different was of utmost importance. And boy, did it pay off! The team really hit the ball out of the pack as families were fed, it was peaceful, and the team gelled from the get go. Kibra mission set a precedent for subsequent drives and has continued to be a great learning point. The generosity from donors that was seen then continues to grow. Nash and Friends has seen successful registration in the U.S, growth in member numbers in Kenya and countless number of families reached. It is clear proof that teamwork makes the dream work… to bigger and better! Upwards and onwards, Team Nash.

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